Blog #1

Welcome to the Gun Issue Blog!
For the next couple of weeks there will be post regarding some issues with gun laws, issues on how events that involve gun control were handled incorrectly, and some suggestions on how we can improve our country's gun policies for the saftey of our country.

Now whether or not or hard-core fans of the NRA or you are completly for stricter gun laws, the point of this blog is not to backlash either side. These posts are here to present the facts and the issues of some of the gun policies and how we can improve not only as a country but as individuals to creater safer environments for friends and family. 

Let us start with the topic of if stricter gun laws or policies are neccesary and if they will truly help with improving our saftey. Within one of his books, David Repass explains how "It is said that gun control may not have stopped an horrendous killing such as the Sandy Hook school, Orlando, or Las Vegas. Yes, controls will not stop every shooting….But think how dangerous it would be without them”(page 24). 

This quote perfectly explains the point of implementing stricter gun control policies. Within his book he brings up a great example that this country went through, and that was during the 9/11 attack. He explains how after such a tragic event, the policies and security within every airport in the US increased and became stricter right away. These policies left there little to no room for such an event to happen again, and tot his day there has not been such an event to take place within the US because of these stricter policies being implied.

Now you may be asking, what does this example have to do with gun policies. Well many individuals think that stricter gun policies will not prevent events such as school shootings or suicides to happen, but I believe in the exact opposite. The policies put in place within these airports did not stop some indivduals to continue to make bombs or even make plans on a terrorist attack, but it made it extremly difficult for anyone to try and do something like this again because of these policies. 

So implying stricter gun policies will not prevent individuals from buying illegal weapons or even carrying them around in areas that they shouldn't, but it sure will be more difficult for them to get away with it like they have been. Implying stricter gun policies does not mean taking away rights from gun owners which I believe is one of the biggest misconceptions that we have for this topic, but it creates for security and saftey for those within communities and even for those who do not own guns. 

Sure implying gun policies will not create positive outcomes right away, but it is a step towards the right direction and something that both sides of this argument should look into. 

Well that ends the conversation for this week, tune in for more posts over this topic and maybe even an interview from some professors at the University of North Georgia on their view over gun control. 
